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ACRL (Association of College & Research Libraries)

LibrarySite with Special Features

  • Custom configuration to search hundreds of records with the search facets (filters) that  match the unique aspects of the search query
  • Statistics on individual downloads for hundreds of files
  • Page views counts for hundreds of content  pages
  • Leader boards based on number content pages a user has contributed to the sandbox

ACRL represents more than 8,000 individuals and libraries and is the largest division of the American Library Association. ACRL was founded in 1940 and develops programs, products, and services to help those working in academic and research libraries learn, innovate, and lead with the academic community. The ACRL Framework for Information Literacy Sandbox allows for searching, browsing, and contributing to a repository of materials related to the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education. It serves as a resource for librarians seeking to engage the Framework in their instructional practice, by providing access to materials created by those in the field. ACRL’s sandbox site is a community for users to discover and share resources and encourages its members to contribute their own resources to grow and enrich the Sandbox.

In 2024, Cherry Hill redesigned the Sandbox site making it more user friendly, updated the design, and added new features to enhance the experience of the user. The Sandbox site is based on LibrarySite but has special features built in. Some of those features include custom configuration to search hundreds of records with the search facets (filters) that match the unique aspects of the search query, statistics on individual downloads for hundreds of files, page view counts, leader boards based on number content pages a user has contributed to the Sandbox, and featured resources promoted on the front page and resource pages.

Cherry Hill continuously works with ACRL to make improvements to the site depending on their budget. As the community grows, new features will be added to enhance the experience and contribute to the growing Sandbox site.

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